Cut and threaded pin holder

Product Description

– Suitable for support wares

– Cutting and tapping holders that are mounted on a mandrel that is attached to the quill spindle.

– The ball system in the mandrel locks the holders radially but provides axial mobility with minimal friction. This prevents throwing or skewing of the threads.

– Once the cut or tap is secured in the workpiece, the holder moves forward on the mandrel without mechanical or manual force and makes a perfect thread.

– The cutter holders effectively drain all the chips thanks to the large chip holes, avoiding damage to the threads when the holders are returned.

– The tap holder is designed to provide some clearance for the taps, thus reducing the risk of tap breakage if the workpiece hole tends to throw.

Available in different designs
m3-m14 mk2
m14-m27 mk3
m16-m36 mk3
m14-m27 mk4
m16-m36 mk4

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Semesterstängt vecka 28 - 31

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