About Us

Maskin AB Erlandsson & Hjorth

THE CONCEPT THAT has today been copied by many other companies was created by the local entrepreneur Åke Hjorth over 50 years ago. In the late 1960s, he contacted the businessman Bengt Erlandsson, also known as Big Bengt, who is best known for the creation of the High Chaparall theme park. Big Bengt also had a great interest in machines and together they founded Erlandsson & Hjorth in 1968.

SINCE ÅKE  lived in Hässleholm, it became natural that the company ended up here and we are still in the same premises, even though they have expanded some over the years. At that time, there were many Swedish brands such as Värnamo, Storebro and Köping. Which are still very sought after.

1987,  Torbjörn Rantzow was hired as a salesman. In the spring of 1988, Lasse Cehlin, who currently sits as CEO and is working actively as a salesman together with Robin Cehlin who has been employed since 2007.

WE WANTED TO KEEP THE NAME as Erlandsson & Hjorth stands for knowledge, experience, quality and service, which we have preserved and built on. We want to sell products of high quality and with us it is always the customer who comes first. Although we do not have the product ourselves, we are happy to help communicate so that the customer finds what they are looking for.

CONFIDENCE AND HONESTY have been the guiding star for all the fifty years that Erlandsson & Hjorth have existed. This places the trust between us and our customers, but also to a great extent between management and the employees. Gaining the confidence to take on your own responsibility for your assignment and your customer contact is stimulating and evolving, and this in the long run gives satisfied customers. And satisfied customers will come back the next time they need a workshop machine or spare part.

I STARTED IN the company in 1988 as a repairman and became a salesman in 2001. Since 2016, I have tried to best manage the same philosophy and act in the same way as my predecessor in my new role as CEO. To give the employees both support and freedom to solve their tasks on their own.

AT THE SAME TIME, we cherish the team. We discuss and solve problems together in a non prestigious way, we stick together and are working in the same direction. I believe and hope that your contacts with us will be noticed. Welcome to a trusting collaboration with Erlandsson & Hjorth.

Lasse Cehlin CEO

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VD på Erlandsson & Hjorth verktygsmaskiner


Semesterstängt vecka 28 - 31

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